Kaylee has recently starting singing Old MacDonald had a farm: I usually hear these lyrics: ". . . EEEO . . . (mumble, mumble, mumble) . . . quack, quack, here, quack, quack, there . . . ". She was too busy looking at herself in the camera to continue singing though.
The next time I wanted to record Kaylee singing, I wised up and didn't let her know I was recording her. There's nothing to see in this video, just listen. She's singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Kaylee and I got to go feed ducks with her friend Nate and his mom. She thought it was great. Some of the ducks were REALLY comfortable being close.
I always know when Kaylee likes the song that is playing at the store.
Kaylee singing the itsy bitsy spider.