We had a quiet, simple Christmas. We really enjoyed that Tim was able to have work off for two weeks and spend so much time at home with Kaylee and me. That is definitely an advantage to working in the public school system.
I don’t always feel like Tim and I have very many holiday traditions, so as Christmas Eve approached I asked him what we should do. We had a nice dinner and read a pamphlet called “The Real Story of Christmas”. At first I was worried about the length of the reading and was sure either Tim or I would revolt before we finished, but we both really enjoyed it. We learned again about the birth of our Savior, but also learned some new things about the circumstances surrounding his birth. I was glad that we took time away from the internet, television shows, or whatever else would have grabbed our attention to read, discuss, and ponder upon our Savior.
We spent Christmas morning just the three of us. It was fun to see Kaylee show a little more interest in presents than she did on her birthday. After opening presents we were able to chat with our parents. We do miss being close to them. For Christmas dinner we went over to the Reeds home for dinner. We each contributed things to the meal and it was fun to be able to celebrate with a few more people.
We returned to Dillingham to a couple new feet of snow. It was fun to see our car buried, but I’m sure Tim didn’t find it so fun to unbury it.