Tim and I invested quite a bit of time finishing up our training and paperwork for adoption. As of January 30th we are officially published! Check out our LDSFS profile: https://itsaboutlove.org/ial/profiles/31299013/ourMessage.jsf Feel free to spread the word that we are hoping to adopt. We have been very happy that things have gone so quickly this time around. The first time we adopted it took 8 months to finish our paperwork and become published. It is not until we got published that birth mothers could even consider us as adoptive families. Once we were published we waited another 19 months before we adopted Kaylee. This time around our paperwork took just over 2 months. Let’s hope being matched with a birthmother happens more quickly this time around too!
Tim went into Anchorage for a few days for work and while he was gone, Kaylee took her first steps. I was having a girls’ night with some friends so they were around to help document the event. Tim said he was showing videos of Kaylee walking to everyone he saw in Anchorage. Kaylee hasn’t taken off with the walking. She has kind of a careful, laid back personality. Every few days I’ll see her take a few steps between pieces of furniture, but she mostly has been sticking to walking all around the house on her knees. If she can capture Tim or me, she prefers to walk all around the house holding onto a finger.
Click here to see other pictures from January.