Locked out of the House
Church Potatoes

It was a Priesthood event, however, I decided to take Kaitlyn and Kaylee along. When we got to the church, there was only a few people there because it was thought the weather was going to turn sour again. We decided to stick it out and harvest. We had a wonderful time. The dirt was soft and had a rich deep brown color to it (which in my mind means it’s high quality dirt). Kaitlyn and I put Kaylee in a box and started digging. About 20 minutes in, Kaylee decided that the box was too confining and she wanted out. Kaitlyn sat her in the dirt (her first time in dirt), and she had a blast. Kaylee was so inquisitive that she face planted in a mound, mouth first. It was actually quite funny to watch her facial expressions. It was a fun night.
House Guest
Kid Sitting

Kaylee has also become more mobile. She been rolling around the house for weeks now. Her new tricks are to sitting up from any position, get on her knees and try to stand up. If she is around anything she can grab onto, she will keep going until she’s on her feet. She’s climbed up my pant legs a few times this week. Lately, when we go get her from her crib she is either sitting up playing or trying to climb up the rails.
Kaylee is 10 months old this month. She’s been wearing her helmet for approximately 11 weeks now. Her head is really looking good. The doctor told us to wait until the gap in her helmet (wear the velcro is) is at least 1/4” before calling it quits. We’re not quite there yet, but I wouldn’t suspect it taking too long. Kaylee likes to grab the velcro and rip it off, then reattach it, and rip it off again.