Mom, Tim, Kaylee, and I left Rexburg on the morning of the July 4th to head down to Utah. Our ultimate stop was American Fork canyon for the Lee Family reunion, but we took a few stops before that. I was a little sad to be missing the 4th of July celebrations especially as we saw everyone gathering for the Rexburg parade as we left town.
We stopped at the Black’s house for a brief visit and then went to the Wadman’s house (Tim’s cousins) for lunch and to see the rest of his family. We were able to stay for a couple hours before we headed to the campground. Tim and I offered to let my mom stay in our tent and we camped in the van. I think we got the better end of the deal. Both nights we were there it rained and, unlike some of the other campers, Tim and I stayed very dry. It was good to see so many of our Lee relatives again and spend time with them. Kaylee did pretty well on her first camping trip. I wasn’t really sure how naptime would work, but she did great in her car seat under a shady tree.

Tim and I are now down to the last two weeks of our vacation. It has gone by extremely quickly. I hope we’re able to fit in all sorts of fun in our last few days.