I was able to pull Tim away from his homework for a couple hours on Thursday afternoon so we could go on a date. We went to the movie theater to see Star Trek. Go to the movies might not seem like that big of a deal to most people, but keep in mind that the nearest movie theater to our house in 400 miles away and requires air travel to reach it.

Saturday afternoon the Blacks, Andersons, Spencer, Kaylee, and I just hung out at the Andersons. Matt got out is 4-wheeler and the adults took turns giving the kids rides around the field. I felt like I was back in Togiak riding on a 4-wheeler with 4 kids on there with me.
Tomorrow is a big day for Kaylee. She gets her helmet in the morning and then we attend her court hearing to finalize her adoption. Wish us luck! After tomorrow she's stuck with us for good.