Tim and I got on the plane about 5:30 pm on Wednesday to head to Dillingham. We had to make a quick stop in Twin Hills to drop off a passenger. Twin Hills is just across the bay from us. It takes about 5 minutes to fly there. Just as we were about to take off again, our pilot noticed some screws missing from the plane, so we were delayed while we waited for another plane to arrive with the necessary screws. I was actually a bit excited for the delay because I’ve always wanted to go to Twin Hills (simply landing on the runway does not count) and our old coworker and neighbor lives there now. We could see the school from the plane, so Tim and I just walked over and knocked on Billy’s door. It was a fun little surprise visit. He gave us a tour of the school and his apartment. We even got to see Meghan (the lead teacher) and Andy. They showed us their studio apartment that is in the school. After spending about an hour and a half with Billy, the second plane arrived and we were on our way again.
Kyle, from our district office, offered to let us stay with him in Dillingham, so rather than get a hotel we got to stay with him and his wife. I thought that our work at district office would be relaxing compared to working at the school, but I was exhausted by the end of the day. Our task was to make a supply list, shop for, and fill out purchase orders for all the science equipment for every middle school and high school science class in the district for the next 6 years. We had two days to finish the task with 3 of us working one day and 4 of us the second day. By Friday afternoon my brain felt like mush and I could barely speak straight. We ended up staying Saturday as well to get a little more work finished. The job is complete, but we got a good chunk of it finished. I said I would stay for part of Saturday, but I needed to get back at least by early afternoon to do planning for next week.
Tim and I got home about 2:00 pm on Saturday. We took some time to visit with Heather, put our things away, eat, and start laundry, and then it was back to work. I worked until about 10:30 pm on my lesson plans for Monday. I did take breaks to change laundry and run to the store, but it was a lot of work. I don’t think I’ve ever looked so forward to a Sunday before. I couldn’t wait for the break from work.
Today I slept in, went to church, and some other meetings, made egg rolls and had dinner with some friends. It was a nice and much needed day. I’m bracing myself for yet another busy week next week. I’ll just take it one day at a time.