Monday evening, Tim worked on homework for his graduate courses while Kaylee and I went to the Petersen’s for dinner. It was fun to spend the evening with them. They always treat us to great food and great company. They seem to love Kaylee too, which is great fun.
Tuesday I was happy to have a day at the house, without many errands to run. I was starting to feel a bit bad for whisking Kaylee around in her car seat from store to store. However, I did discover on Monday that riding in the car or in a shopping cart immediately puts Kaylee to sleep. I was glad to give Kaylee a chance to just lie on a blanket on the floor, kick her legs, and fall asleep for her nap. I think she appreciated it too. I spent the day washing sheets and towels, doing the dishes, packing our totes, and watching television. We don’t have television at our apartment so it’s a bit of a treat.
Even though it was late and we should have gone to bed, we decided to see a movie after dinner. We don’t get that opportunity often and the movie theater was right next to the Olive Garden. We saw Life of Pi. It was good, but I felt bad that it was so loud. I don’t think Kaylee particularly enjoyed the noise level. She stayed awake the entire movie.
Wednesday morning we flew back to Dillingham and then to Togiak. I love being home. It was great to have our own things and our own beds and our own space. It seemed that Kaylee even was more content. For the rest of the week, we just got back on our normal schedule. Tim went to work and I stayed home, took care of Kaylee, and did some housework.
Today we attended church like usual. The past few months Tim and I have been attending the gospel essential class rather than the regular Sunday school class. This class is particularly tailored for new members and investigators. It teaches the basic doctrines of the gospel. I must admit. I love this class. There is something wonderful about studying the simple truths of the gospel and being reminded about what is important without things to complicate it. It is also my turn this month to teach sharing time, which is the lesson for the children ages 3-12. We learned today that Jesus is an example for us. Teaching the children is another opportunity for me to review over basic truths. I love to hear from the children. They are so willing to participate and offer their thoughts and experiences.
Well, I think that’s about all for this week other than a Kaylee update. She has been particularly fun the last couple of weeks. She is really starting to smile and “talk” a lot. She definitely gets excited to see her dad and she loves to kick her legs. Tim tells me that she is a daddy’s girl and I think he just might be right. I can’t believe how much she’s already changed in 3 short months.
Check out our February Pictures of Kaylee!