So here is the guest Post: This experience has been as close to perfect as it could possibly be. On Monday, December 17th, Tim had to head back to school for the last week of classes but Kaitlyn stayed home with Lewis and me and baby Kaylee. Kaitlyn spent the whole day writing a final and a final review. Lewis was the main baby sitter while I started the sewing projects that needed to be done for Kaylee—burp cloths, bibs, and reusable wipes.
In the evening we opted to attend the Faculty Christmas party at the school. Lewis made pecan pies as our donation to the potluck portion of the evening. Tim “ferried” us down to the school in two installments, Lewis and me then Kaitlyn and baby Kaylee. Kaitlyn went into the school office to take off her snow clothes and to get Kaylee unbundled and was immediately surrounded by well-wishers who wanted to meet the newest little Phillips. They could hardly make it out of the office. What a delightful evening. We ate good food, even Eskimo ice cream, had a fun gift exchange, and got to meet many people. After the party was over, Kait stayed at the school and made copies of her final and final review.
On Tuesday school was cancelled due to wind and snow so Kait’s diligently-written review had to be done in one day instead of two. Tim used the weather cancellation day to make headway on his final college assignment.
On Friday, when we woke up to the world-not-ending we decided to stay cozy and warm in the apartment. In the afternoon, however, Tim was enticed outside by fellow teachers who wanted to have a “snow-go” (snow machine) adventure. Because of the of amount of freshly fallen snow the adventure turned out to be more of a “go a few feet, dig out a snowmobile, go a few more feet, dig out another snowmobile”. Tim didn’t get back until after dark and was not so sure that “fun” was the proper title for the day. We watched the movie, “Big Miracle” before bedtime. Great movie! It takes place in Barrow, Alaska and is based on a true story. Very fitting for us.
Saturday was a highlight for me because we got to put on about seven layers of clothing and go out on the four-wheelers to explore “down-town” Togiak. (And when I say seven layers of clothing I’m not stretching the truth much at all.) I am so grateful for the warm-clothes police (that would be Tim) because it was a balmy -8 degrees and when you get going fast you don’t want any skin exposed. As it was, my goggles got so iced up that I couldn’t see for a time. Fortunately the goggles thawed out and I dried them off while we were at the post office. I found the answer; I took off my glasses and just used the goggles and only had minimum icing… I feel like a true Alaskan now that I can say I rode a four-wheeler to town (and also did not gasp too audibly when viewing the prices in the AC store!) We ended Saturday’s adventures by watching the movie, “Mirror, Mirror” on the wall. (No, really, we watched the movie on the wall with Tim’s cute projector…)
That brings us to today, Sunday, 23 December 2012 - the birthday of Joseph Smith, the eleventh anniversary of Vicky’s death, two days before Christmas. I love going to church in the Bush Branch; however, meetings do take longer (almost 4 ½ hours); but the company is the greatest. Merry Christmas one and all!