Tuesday I decided to venture downtown with Kaylee. It was her first 4-wheeler ride to the village. It was about 30 degrees outside which is fairly warm. I bundle her up a lot, probably too much, and then put her in the front pack before getting on the 4-wheeler. She pretty much falls asleep every time we get on the 4-wheeler. The trip wasn't bad, but it did get windy on our way back. She didn't cry or fuss at all, but I don't think I'll take her down on the 4-wheeler again for awhile.
Friday night we had a baby shower for my youngest sister Valerie. It was quite a bit of fun. We held the shower over Google+ so all my sisters, sisters-in-law, and Valerie's sisters-in-law could come. We had people from Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Illinois, New York, and Dubai at the shower. Google+ can handle 10 computers at a time.
Saturday we were invited to dinner at MaryAnn Isaacson's house. She and her husband used to teach in Togiak but they have since retired.
Sunday was a bit busier than usual. I had an extra meeting in the morning before church started. After church ended I was supposed to fly to New Stuyahok to chaperone a student council retreat. I was supposed to take two students with me, but one of them is sick. It took us quite awhile to actually leave. Originally we were supposed to leave at 3:00 pm but between bad weather in Togiak, bad weather at our destination, and switching of planes, we didn't leave until 6:30 pm.