At the end of the week, both Kaitlyn and myself were exhausted. All we wanted to do was relax and not even think of school, however, that never really happens. I (Tim) went with a few other teachers down the beach to see how far we could go on our four wheelers. Our new four wheeler was built for things like that, so it handled driving in sand/mud/whatever really well.
Saturday night, Kaitlyn and I just stayed home and relaxed. We made an awesome dinner and just enjoyed each other's company. We received our vegetable shipment this week and it had cremini mushrooms in it. I didn't have any steak to use, so we decided to make a risotto instead. Risotto is difficult to make and I've had many of my attempts flop, but this one seemed to turn out well. In fact, I could go as far as to say that it was awesome! I simply love risotto. :) The creamy texture is fabulous. We also had herb crusted pork loin and Grandma Myrna's cabbage salad. Great way to end a stressful week.