We had our first snowfall Wednesday night or Thursday morning. I am always excited when it first snows. It was gone by the end of the day though. We are supposed to have some snow later into next week though. We’ll see if it happens.
Tim’s wrestling tournament got cancelled this weekend, which turned out to be a blessing. The tournament had caught everyone off guard and a lot of his wrestlers were discouraged that they were not eligible due to grades. Several had decided just to quit. Luckily, after the tournament got cancelled, most of these wrestlers came back.
We had stake conference this weekend. It was very good. There was a lot of focus on the temple, missionary work, teaching our families, and listening to the spirit. I was amazed throughout the conference how much our stake takes care of us. Our branch doesn’t contribute much to stake callings or even to our own branch presidency, but our stake is very mindful of us and makes sure we’re taken care of.
Yesterday I played volleyball with the school team again. I think it will be a tradition from now on to have a faculty team play against the volleyball team each Saturday. We played for 2 hours. I’m starting to rather enjoy volleyball.
Unfortunately, we don’t have too many exciting things to report this week. It was rather normal. I hope all of you reading this are doing well. Have a good week.