At the beginning of this week the temperature rose just enough for it to start raining all over our beautiful snow. After the rain stopped the temperature dropped below freezing and the rain made a thick sheet of ice everywhere. I’m not even kidding, this is crazy. All the roads are big sheets of it. Our four-wheelers have a hard time getting any traction on it. However, we’re lucky enough that we don’t have to walk to school. Kaitlyn took a few pictures of the parking lot just for you to see what it looks like. Now that we’re approaching the beginning of March, I doubt we’ll see too much snow to cover it up. Sad.
One of the really hard things I’ve had to deal with here is the incessant barking by the neighborhood strays. They bark all night long and it drives us crazy, well me really. It has been so bad that we actually moved our bedroom (bed, nightstands, lamps) in all into the living room. For the last two months, we’ve slept in the living room. It actually hasn’t been too bad. We’re further from the dogs, and the refrigerator is really close! Recently, we’ve just been frustrated with the arrangement, so we moved our bedroom back into the bedroom. Right now, we’re happy with the setup. Our living room is now a real living room again, and it feels good. Let’s just hope that the dogs outside will continue to not bark!