Our friend Robin had a birthday this week, so last weekend her mom came into town and brought pizza with her from Anchorage. We had a huge birthday party in the school. It’s been awhile since I’ve had pizza from any sort of restaurant. Our case worker was here, so he joined us at the party. He thought it was quite funny that someone would go to the work of flying pizza in from Anchorage. He obviously hasn’t been in the village for 7 months!
This week was Tim’s 29th birthday. I tried to make it as special as I could despite our work schedule and village life. I made a “Happy Birthday Mr. Phillips” poster and secretly put it on his classroom door. That way, all the kids going into his room would know it was his birthday. By the time we got home from school there wasn’t much time left to celebrate. I did make him a dinner that involved peanut sauce because he loves peanut sauce. We really celebrated this weekend.
Saturday night we had 14 people over at our house for a party. Everybody brought some food to share, so we had a feast. We played the game “What if”. I think I was the only one in the room who had ever played before so it was fun to introduce everyone to a new game.
Tim was noticing that everyone was commenting on how close to 30 years old he was. I said something, his parents said something, and our coworkers said something. He kindly reminded all of us that he didn’t turn 30, he turned 29 and we should let him enjoy 29 before shoving 30 down his throat. (He didn’t use those exact words, but you get the idea.) So Happy 29th Birthday Timmy!
Friday, Heather’s sister, Bridgett, came to visit. Heather was so excited that it was infectious. I couldn’t wait for Bridgett to come. It was really fun to meet her. We don’t get visitors here often. (If anyone wants to come visit, let us know!) She’ll be here for 10 days. I foresee some fun in the next week or so.
Saturday morning Tim and I had to take some tests. Tim took the Praxis I: basic reading, writing, and math. We have to take the Praxis I for our teaching certificates to remain valid. I took the Praxis II: biology. It was hard. I hope I passed. I have to take the test so that the district can say I’m highly qualified to teach biology. I don’t feel qualified to teach biology at all, much less highly qualified.
Well, I better stop before I get an entire book. I was just excited we actually had something to report on this week and pictures to go along.