Friday we got a surprise early release from school because there was a funeral. Normally, I really like early releases, but the kids here just assume early release means they might as well go home right then and not stay for the rest of the day. The kids that did stay were out of control. Oh well, it's over now.
There have been 2 student teachers visiting our school this week. I guess this is their "village practicum". One of them has been shadowing Tim and taught one of his classes on Friday. They are both very nice and we invited them over for dinner on Friday night. It's kind of interesting seeing some "fresh" teacher's reactions to village education.
Saturday and today we listened to General Conference. I love listening to General Conference. Who couldn't appreciate listening to such great men speak about such great things? It was interesting talking to our friends here when they asked about our weekend plans. We told them that we had church meetings and explained that they were worldwide meetings and we were listening to our leaders speak. They all kind of groaned for us when they heard how long our meetings were, but I told them the meetings are great. It's been a bit eye-opening being the only members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I've really come to realize how much time Tim and I invest in church and I realize how much I really love it and look forward to it.