This week at school has been a bit exciting. It was spirit week. We had dress up days every day: crazy hair day, white out day, career day, twin day, and fake an injury day. Tim and I had fun dressing up each day. Unfortunately the students weren’t very involved. Each day there was anywhere from 0 to 4 students who participated. However, I do think the kids enjoyed seeing what Tim and I would do next. On Twin Day, Tim and I dressed alike. We wore the most similar clothes we could and with Tim’s help, I even drew a beard on myself. In between each class, when I would step out into the hall, the kids would just snicker and laugh as they passed by. They all thought it was pretty funny. Friday I managed to give myself a black eye with some Crayola markers. Tim had to endure accusing questions throughout the rest of the day.

So Tim and I were at school from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday and then returned to the school at 9:00 pm and didn’t leave until 6:30 am the next morning. Needless to say, we slept a lot on Saturday. We didn’t wake up until 2:30 pm, which really confused my body. We ate breakfast at 4:00 pm and then were really shocked when only hours later it was already bedtime again.
When Tim and I were in Anchorage last weekend we brought back 50 pounds of produce. We couldn’t help ourselves. It was like Christmas. Well, last night, we really enjoyed that produce. I made fajitas with fresh peppers: orange, yellow, red, and green. Tim made his green avocado salsa. Yum. It was like we were cooking in the lower 48 again! I will never take fresh produce for granted again.